Thursday, August 15, 2013

Scared of Getting Clean: Addiction

My name is Danny and I am an Addict. 

That one sentence has come out of my mouth quite a lot this past year. I am 22 and recently just got over a 7-year addiction. The first few times I spoke those words I couldn't even look anyone in the eyes. I guess I was ashamed, embarrassed, or some other feeling that...well, isn't the best. The stigma that is addiction is such a terrible one.

When many think about the word, the man staggering in a dark alley, itching for his next fix is the picture they think about. That or some other publicized image. 

As an addict, I can definitely say this was on my list of worries. So many look at it as a moral failing of some kind. In no way is this true. Addiction does NOT define you as a person. With the many drugs being prescribed, it is now easier than ever to fall victim to addiction. Many start taking various prescribed drugs with no ill intentions at all, soon to realize they can't and don't want to stop. 

No one is perfect. Everyone can agree with that, right? 

Addiction is becoming such a common thing, even in the "safe little bubble" of Orange County (where I am from). In no way is this a good thing, but it is something that should tell you that you are not alone. Knowing that one thing helped me quite a bit actually. We all make mistakes, some bigger than others, but they still are just mistakes. It is how we learn from them that actually matters. It is how we fight back that really counts. We all have to forget what others might think, and simply worry about ourselves. Instead of making this something you are ashamed of, make it something you are proud of for overcoming.

Just don't give up.  

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